The library has almost everything you need to complete your income tax returns. Although we can’t make filing taxes less painful, we can make it more convenient for you.
Tax forms and publications available for the current tax filing season:
If we do not have a form or publication, we can find it online for you.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Local Office
Walk-in service only.
Phone: 217-398-5210
310 West Church Street, Champaign
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Phone Assistance
You may ask questions to help you prepare your tax return, or ask about a notice you have received.
Individuals: Toll-free, 1-800-829-1040
People with hearing impairments: Toll-free, 1-800-829-4059 (TDD)
Businesses: Toll-free, 1-800-829-4933
Illinois Department of Revenue (IDR)
The local IDR office closed in 2002, but phone help is available.
Individuals: Toll-free 1-800-732-8866 or 1-217-782-3336
People with hearing impairments: 1-800-544-5304 (TDD)
Business Hot Line: 1-217-524-4772
You may also consult the IDR’s Taxpayer Answer Center.