Mission and Policies

Download the Camargo Township District Library Policy Manual

Mission Statement

The central mission of the Camargo Township District Library is to select, acquire, organize and promote the use of a wide range of books and other communication media to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the citizens of the Library District. This will of necessity involve the continued attention of the Board of Directors and the Library staff.

Specific goals of the Camargo Township District Library include:

  • The provision of an appropriate collection of library materials as provided in Section III of this manual.
  • The provision of gracious and professional assistance for all patrons of the Library.
  • The provision of any requested information on any subject to any citizen, insofar as it is within the competence of the Library to do so.
  • The assistance of students of all age and grade levels, and the assistance of all citizens in self-education.
  • The provision of recreational library material for all citizens at all levels of competence in reading and comprehension.
  • The enhancement of the Library experience through appropriate programs, publications, displays, and activities.
  • The support of civic, cultural, and educational groups through the provision of Library materials and facilities.
  • The support of research level collections in specific limited areas, as provided for in Library policy and in cooperation with the Lincoln Trail Library System.
  • The promotion of the Library and its services in order to make the citizens of the Library District aware of the Library’s potential for them.
  • The support of intellectual freedom and freedom of the press.
  • Full cooperation with other area libraries and institutions in the provision of library materials and services, through ILLINET and other networks that may be developed.

Rules for Computer Usage

The Board and Staff welcome you to use our computers with respect. We have four computers: One, Two Three and the Gateway. Although you may use them to play games, they are not toys. School reports, job applications, resumes, school related assignments, (Gateway will be held for these purposes) and we will allow more time for them as needed. Other computer activities will be limited to 30 minutes on each computer, once a day only, PLEASE SIGN UP IN THE COMPUTER BOOK AND LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL NEED MORE TIME FOR THE ABOVE PURPOSES.

  1. You may start on the Hour or Half-Hour only. If you begin after such times then you will have only the remaining time in that Half-hour. Do not go over your time as someone will probably be signed up for the next half-hour.
  2. Patrons using the computers who are disrupting the library or disturbing other Patrons will be asked to leave the library. If users are abusing the computers (kicking towers, beating on the keyboards, etc.) will be asked to leave.
  3. The use of computers are limited to library hours only.
  4. Patrons may not install their own program disks.
  5. The library is not responsible for patrons personal disks that are damaged while using the computers.
  6. You must be on the computer you have signed up for at the time you signed up for.
  7. Library computers may not be used for commercial purposes without prior consent from our Director.

Internet Access Policy and Guidelines for Use of Library Workstations 


“The Camargo Township District Library is committed to serving the community as an information resource to support the formal and informal learning requirements and recreational needs of its patrons.”

The library provides free access to the Internet as an integral part of this mission.

The Internet is a worldwide computer network, which provides easy access to a massive body of information. The resources available on the Internet expand the library’s information services well beyond traditional collections and electronic resources. In providing community access to the Internet, the Camargo Township District Library enhances its existing collection in size and depth, and provides the opportunity for any citizen to utilize the exciting resources on the Internet.

Not everyone currently has or can afford access to the Internet in their homes or businesses. The library can provide free access to this valuable information resource.

Intellectual Freedom/Right to Privacy

The same standards of intellectual freedom, privacy and confidentiality endorsed by the Camargo Township District Library for traditional resources and services also apply to electronic media, including usage of the Internet.

The library has a policy of open access to all parts of its collections, including access to the Internet. Usage is not restricted by age (supervision is the parent’s responsibility), is not prioritized by information need (everyone’s information need is important to him or her), and is not restricted by residency.

The library seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of its patrons and their individual right to privacy. However, Internet users must be sensitive to the fact that workstations are in public areas and, therefore, images on the screen are subject to view by a wide audience.

Due to the fact that our workstations are in public areas and open for all patrons to see, our patrons must not be in areas on the Internet that have images on the screen that are inappropriate. Our policy must keep our children safe from areas on the Internet that would expose them to inappropriate material. Therefore, if a person feels that they have the need to view such areas, they will loose their computer privileges.

  1. The first instance of breaching this policy will be a warning.
  2. The second instance of breaching this policy will be a 30-day suspension of computer privileges.
  3. The third instance of breaching this policy will be a 6-month suspension of computer privileges.
  4. The fourth instance of breaching this policy will be a 12-month ban from using or entering the library premises.
  5. Any breach of this policy after a 12-month ban may lead to permanent prohibition from entering the library.

Our library will restrict Internet use for the legitimate purpose of protecting our children.

Our policy follows the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act. The Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act shall apply at all times the Library is open whether children are present or not since they may come in at any time. This act shall be construed in its strictest sense to protect our children. The use of pornographic or objectionable sites will not be tolerated by the library staff.

Information Disclaimer

The Internet offers unlimited access to information, ideas and commentary from around the world and a vast array of tools and resources for different age levels and points of view. However, not all sources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. The Camargo Township District Library does not endorse the viewpoints or vouch for the accuracy of information obtained through the Internet. The library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Most definitely, some resources and destinations contain material that some patrons will find personally offensive or inappropriate for children.

Use of the Internet by Children

As with all library materials, parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet. Library staff cannot control the databases that children may select on the Internet. Parents are strongly encouraged to work with their children to develop acceptable rules of Internet use.

It is the parent who sets family standards and values and, therefore, the library cannot usurp that right nor assume that responsibility. The Internet, since it should be no different than TV and movies, books and magazines, is a marvelous opportunity for parents to hold discussions with their children about their family’s standards. We strongly recommend that parents work with their children when they are using the Internet.


Internet resources may contain material of a controversial nature. Selection policies, which serve to govern the library’s purchase of materials, are not applicable to material accessed electronically. Our patrons choose which electronic materials and sites they access on the Internet. The library cannot protect them from information that might be considered offensive. It remains the responsibility of the user or the user’s parent, guardian, or caregiver in the case of minors to determine what is appropriate.

Because the customer is the selector in using the Internet by making individual choices and decisions, patrons shall comply with all age restrictions governing access to sites, as limited by the content provider, to usage by persons 18 or 21 years of age or older.

In no event shall the Camargo Township District Library have any liability for lost profits or for any direct or indirect special, punitive or consequential damages, or any liability to any third party, even if the library is advised of the possibility of such damages, arising from use of its connection to the Internet.

Misuse of the electronic resources of the library, or of Internet access, shall result in the loss of computer privileges for the customer.

This Internet Access Policy will be reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees at least yearly, at its regular meeting in May.

The purpose of this Internet Access Policy is to insure the best use of and access to the Internet for the greatest number of our patrons. This policy is subject to change as our experience with this service grows.

Approved by the
Board of Trustees,
Camargo Township District Library
August 19, 2002

Amended 11/17/03

Confidentiality of Records. In accordance with the American Library Association’s policy on the confidentiality of library records (adopted January 20, 1971) the Camargo Township District Library recognizes circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific materials as confidential in nature. Access to these records in restricted to Library staff, qualified researchers as authorized specifically by the Board, and those members of the general public, as hereafter provided for.

All Library staff and employees are forbidden to make such records available to casual members of the public, the press, or to any agency of State, Federal or Local government, except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of and pursuant to Federal, State, or Local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigator power.

On receipt of any legal process, order or subpoena, the Library staff will consult with the President of the Board and the Library Attorney to ensure that (a) the document is in proper legal form, and (b) there has been a proper showing of good cause for its issuance, in a court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction. Until the legality of such process, order or subpoena had been affirmatively shown to the satisfaction of the Library Attorney, the Library will resist its issuance or enforcement until any such defects have been cured.

In other words, patrons have the right to order books and materials confidentially. Library records are not to be used to identify the types of materials used by patrons. Under no circumstances shall the Library staff answer to a third party about material a patron is reading, or about the kind of information asked from the Library by a patron (except under legal process, order or subpoena). Discussion outside the Library of a patron’s activities shall be grounds for immediate dismissal.